[Logo von XStab]

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What is it about?

This is the home of the software XStab since Version 1.3.0.


22.07.2004 Next version is not goint to released before autum 2004 because of summer and my small knowledge of C.
22.07.2004 Little changes at the home page.
07.06.2004 XStab Version 1.3.1 released.
01.06.2004 XStab Version 1.3.0 released.

What does XStab do?

XStab is a software which is able to calculate trusses according first order. XStab was developed by Jochen Hanff (jochen dodd hanff aad pamidion dodd de) from 1996 to 1998. The home page of XStab version 1.2 can be found at www.pamidion.de. XStab is in German only.

Which functions does XStab has?

Screen shots

On the home page of Jochen Hanf are shown some screen shots. click here

Which license does XStab use?

XStab is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL).

Will there be an english Version available soon?

Who knows? Besides, for more information refere to German version of this home page.


There are two Versionen of XStab 1.3.x available.

The *.tar.gz files are zipped tar archives. Use tar -xzvf file_name.tar.gz to unzip. In the folder XStab are files README.INSTALL containing further information (in German only).

What does XStab require?

Problems, Questions, Wishes ...

E-Mail to post aad xstab dodd de.

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Copyright © 2004 Bernd Hahnebach (post aad xstab dodd de),
Updated: 4. October 2004